The Common Responsibility Campaign
The Common Responsibility Campaign helps those in
need irrespective of their origin, faith or political convictions
both in Finland and abroad.
The Common Responsibility Campaign
The Common Responsibility Campaign (known in Finnish as Yhteisvastuukeräys) is a nationwide social movement based on the philosophy “love thy neighbour” and the annual fundraising campaign of the Finnish Lutheran Church. The Common Responsibility is organized by Kirkkopalvelut (The Church Resources Agency). The Campaign defends neglected people and advocates for caring and justice. Fighting indifference, we encourage society and its members to assume responsibility.
Help for those in need
Approximately 50 % of the proceeds of the Campaign are channeled to the Finn Church Aid’s Disaster Fund, which enables the launch and implementation of emergency response to humanitarian disasters.
20 % is used annually for financial aid for variable charity projects in Finland and 30 % for diaconal work carried out by the local parishes.
The support is very concrete – the aim is to help people help themselves. Since 1950, the Campaign has reached already hundreds of thousands of people.
Campaign for 2025
In its 75th anniversary year, The Common Responsibility Campaign supports young people to dream and build a secure future. Tens of thousands of volunteers raise funds for the most vulnerable young people. Sometimes all it takes is a little help – and anything good can happen.
In Finland, The Common Responsibility Campaign is run in partnership with the Finnish Scouts. Scouting as a hobby strengthens self-confidence and the ability to work together. The funds raised support camping and equipment costs for young people with fewer resources, so that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and discover their own strengths. Part of the proceeds will be directed to Finnish Evangelical Lutheran churches to support young people in their own region and to do social work locally.
International aid is channelled to crisis areas around the world through the Disaster Fund by The Finn Church Aid . The funds raised enable young people, for example, to continue their schooling in unstable circumstances and build the conditions for a secure and hopeful future.
The patron of the 2025 Campaign is President of the Republic of Finland, Mr. Alexander Stubb.